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Eve Online

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Ekskhyumer Hulk in EVE Online
Ekskhyumer Hulk in EVE Online - it is the largest industrial mining ship that was developed by Outer Ring Excavations (ORE). Hulk, as well as other mining barges, equipped with improved on-board electronics , designed to connect to a full development of the extractors . But unlike previous generations, ekskhyumer Hulk is also capable of improving the work of extractors for mining ice. As a result, ORE proudly presented the new generation of mining barge , Superior One has not only indicators of production, but also a high security enclosure . ORE proudly declares that ekskhyumer Hulk - is the best and effective mining ship today.
Kategorie: ORE | Hinzugefügt von: folorit (22.05.2014)
Aufrufe: 436 | Bewertung: 0.0/0
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